Dear George

This is a space to write in your letters to George or post a link to your letter in ASL.  If you prefer private correspondence, send to

Be on the look out for his reply.

2 Responses to Dear George

  1. A of AM says:

    Dear George,
    I am deeply grateful for “the noblest gift God has given to Deaf people” and be assurred that there always are people that defend our beautiful language, in various areas everyone has ability to contribute, such as advocacy, art, prayers etc.

  2. veditzsite says:

    Dear A of AM:
    How kind of you to write me a note. I greatly appreciate your expression of appreciation for the noblest gift and your assurance that “there always are people that defend our beautiful language.” This is good to know. It saddens me to know that Oralism still reigns while the method that has proven beyond a doubt to do the greatest good for the greatest number is utilized as a last resort.
    As I signed in 1913 so too can we grievously declare in 2014:
    “For the last 134 years, with eyes filled with tears and hearts broken, the French [and American] deaf people have watched this beautiful language of signs snatched away from their schools.
    For the last 134 years, they have strived and fought for the restitution of signs in the
    schools but for 134 years their teachers have cast them aside and refused to listen to their
    pleas. But their teachers would much rather listen to the worthless, cruel-hearted demands
    of people that think they know all about educating the deaf but know nothing about their
    thoughts and souls, their feelings, desires and needs.”
    May we continue with our militant vigilance and continue to do the good work. It gives me cheer to know there are people like you A of AM. Thank you again for the note and dedication for the noblest gift.
    Yours Very Truly,
    George W. Veditz

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